Twin Ignition Star Tribune!

Before founding the Twin Ignition venture capital fund in 2019, Twin Cities businessmen Seth Peter, Ben Rasmussen and Scott Aubitz all had high-flying corporate or entrepreneurial ventures with well-known companies such as NetSpi and Bright Health. Now, they are mentoring and supporting the next generation of Minnesota entrepreneurs while filling their time with more family and less long nights at the office.

Through Twin Ignition, Peter, Rasmussen and Aubitz hope to spare younger entrepreneurs from walking the tough road alone.

“At almost every step, we’ve walked a mile in their shoes,” Rasmussen said.

Check out the full article by Star Tribune:

Way to Go, Solve!

Our friends over at Solve just launched their new ad for Medifast after a year in development!  Not only did they have a successful release of the campaign, but they also received a great write up for it in the New York Times The ad itself can be viewed here and the article in the NY Times here. Way to go, guys!

Spunk on "True Brit" Radio Show!

We had the honor and pleasure of being a guest of honor on the “True Brit” Radio on A real blast. You can listen to the whole show here on the archive. Just click on the “True Brit” link for 08/14/10 to listen the whole show in MP3 or Real Audio format. Enjoy!